The Driver Fitness Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Category (BASIC) is one of seven categories that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) uses to determine how a motor carrier ranks relative to other carriers with a similar number of safety events (i.e., inspections, violations, or crashes). This is used to determine a carrier's CSA score.
The Driver Fitness Violations BASIC
Nov 1, 2022 11:40:31 AM / by Mike Riegel posted in Safety, Fitness, FMCSA
What to do during an ELD malfunction
Nov 1, 2022 10:14:07 AM / by Mike Riegel posted in ELDs
Like every piece of technology available there will be times when an ELD starts to malfunction. The FMCSA has set specific rules in the ELD requirements for what carriers and drivers should do to remain compliant in the event of an ELD malfunction. In the ELD mandate the FMCSA provides specific steps for carriers and drivers to follow in order to protect themselves in the event of an ELD malfunction.
The Unsafe Driving Violations BASIC
Oct 30, 2022 9:59:46 PM / by Mike Riegel posted in Logbook, Hours of Service
The Unsafe Driving Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Category (BASIC) is one of seven categories that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) uses to determine how a motor carrier ranks relative to other carriers with a similar number of safety events (i.e., inspections, violations, or crashes). This is used to determine a carrier's CSA score.
The Hours of Service Violations Basic
Oct 30, 2022 8:26:49 PM / by Mike Riegel posted in Logbook, Hours of Service
The Hours of Service Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Category (BASIC) is one of seven categories that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) uses to determine how a motor carrier ranks relative to other carriers with a similar number of safety events (i.e., inspections, violations, or crashes). This is used to determine a carrier's CSA score.
The Vehicle Maintenance Violations Basic
Oct 29, 2022 11:02:23 PM / by Mike Riegel posted in Maintenance
The Vehicle Maintenance Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Category (BASIC) is one of seven categories that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) uses to determine how a motor carrier ranks relative to other carriers with a similar number of safety events (i.e., inspections, violations, or crashes). This is used to determine a carrier's CSA score.