Blue Ink Tech Blog

Could The Chevron Deference Ruling Impact the FMCSA's ELD Mandate?

Jul 11, 2024 9:05:05 AM / by Henry Riegel posted in ELDs, FMCSA, DOT, Hours of Service


On June 28, The US Supreme Court overruled the Chevron Deference, which will likely lead to the undermining of many federal regulations. In the long term, this is very likely to affect the trucking industry and the regulations set in place by the FMCSA including those surrounding electronic logging devices (ELDs).

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New Ag Exemption Status in the BIT App

Jun 13, 2024 10:12:08 AM / by Erin Sullivan posted in ELDs, Logbook, FMCSA, Hours of Service, Personal Conveyance


Blue Ink Tech is proud to announce a new Agricultural cycle in the BIT app to help drivers manage Ag Exempt loads. The new cycle tracks exemption status within the 150 air-mile radius with one press of a button.

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What documents are required in a truck driver's DOT permit book?

Jun 1, 2023 2:01:55 PM / by Mike Riegel posted in Trucking, Growth, FMCSA, Business Management, IFTA, CDL, Hours of Service, Insurance


When it comes to trucking, one rule of thumb that remains constant is "be prepared." Among the numerous documents that help a truck driver stay prepared on the road, the Department of Transportation (DOT) Permit Book holds an essential place.

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A Guide to the ELD Short Haul Exemption

Dec 12, 2022 11:07:37 AM / by Jacquelyn Pack posted in ELDs, Logbook, Fuel, FMCSA, Hours of Service


What is the ELD short-haul exemption? 

The short-haul exemption is designed for drivers with a local route who work regular hours and return home every night. The rule allows these drivers and their carriers to avoid certain Hours of Service requirements as well as the ELD requirements set in the FMCSA's ELD mandate.

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What is a Logbook?

Nov 22, 2022 8:41:52 PM / by Jacquelyn Pack posted in ELDs, Logbook, Hours of Service, Personal Conveyance


Truck drivers have been using records of duty status (RODS) for over eighty years now. In the past, drivers would fill out a physical logbook for their RODS. But nowadays this is done with an electronic logbook since it can keep better track of your data and hours-of-service (HOS) rules. 

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