The bridge law formula and how to use it for truck and axle weights

Jan 31, 2023 8:14:43 AM / Written by: Mike Riegel

truck crossing the new river gorge bridge

You can't travel anywhere without going over some kind of bridge. Bridges help to drastically reduce the travel time it would take to go around the hazard you are trying to go over. Bridges are a critical part of our country's infrastructure and must be protected to keep traffic moving efficiently.

Bridges are designed to handle traffic and the weight they carry. However, during the 1950's and 1960's trucks began to get significantly heavier and new protections had to be adopted to prevent damage to bridges. The solution was to tie allowable weights to the number and spacing of axles.

Axle spacing is as important to a bridge as the weight that is has to hold. If you imagine walking on snow, your feet go through the snow and hit the ground below. If you walk on the same snow with snow shoes, your weight is displaced around a greater area and this allows you to walk on top of the snow without going through it. This is the same concept used for the federal bridge law. The more distance there is between axles the lower the overall force that is applied to the bridge.


What is the bridge formula?

The bridge formula is a simple math formula that you can use to determine if you weigh is acceptable for crossing a bridge in the US. The federal bridge formula is:

The federal bridge law formula

W = the maximum weight in pounds that can be carried on a group of two or more axles to the nearest 500 pounds.

L = the distance in feet between the outer axles of any two or more consecutive axles.

N = the number of axles being considered.

This formula limits the weight on groups of axles in order to reduce the risk of damage to highway bridges. Allowable weight depends on the number of axles a vehicle has and the distance between those axles. However, the single- or tandem-axle weight limits supersede the Bridge Formula limits for all axles not more than 96" apart.


Why is the bridge formula necessary?

The bridge formula is necessary because it helps to understand how much stress can be applied to a bridge without affecting the structural integrity. When the load is spread out across a longer distance the force applied to the bridge is lower. This can be seen in the figure below.

2 trucks of different lengths and the same weights on a bridge

In example (B) you can see that a smaller truck with the same weight causes more pressure on the bridge which can reduce it's lifespan. This is the main reason why the federal bridge laws were formed. The cost fix and replace bridges can be a huge expense on a community requiring higher taxes. The Bridge law helps avoid this scenario by requiring trucks to limit the amount of weight and distance between axles.



How do you use the bridge formula?

The weight on various axle configurations must be checked to determine compliance with the Bridge Formula. Three definitions are needed to use the Bridge Formula correctly.

  • Gross Weight—The weight of a vehicle or vehicle combination and any load thereon. The Federal gross weight limit on the Interstate System is 80,000 pounds unless the Bridge Formula dictates a lower weight limit.
  • Single-Axle Weight—The total weight on one or more axles whose centers are spaced not more than 40 inches apart. The Federal single-axle weight limit on the Interstate System is 20,000 pounds.
  • Tandem-Axle Weight—The total weight on two or more consecutive axles whose centers are spaced more than 40 inches apart but not more than 96 inches apart. The Federal tandem-axle weight limit on the Interstate System is 34,000 pounds.

Bridge Formula calculations yield a series of weights. It is important to note that the single-axle weight limit replaces the Bridge Formula weight limit on axles not more than 40 inches apart, and the tandem-axle weight limit replaces the Bridge Formula weight limit for axles over 40 but not more than 96 inches apart. At 97 inches apart, for example, two axles may carry 38,000 pounds (A) and three axles may carry 42,000 pounds, as shown in (B).

Diagram of two trucks showing legal weights for axle positions


The vehicle with weights and axle dimensions shown in the figure below is used to illustrate a Bridge Formula check.

Diagram of a truck with axles numbered to show how to calculate bridge laws

Before checking for compliance with the Bridge Formula, a vehicle's single-axle, tandem-axle, and gross weight should be checked. Here the single axle (number 1) does not exceed 20,000 pounds, tandems 2-3 and 4-5 do not exceed 34,000 pounds each, and the gross weight does not exceed 80,000 pounds. These preliminary requirements are satisfied. The first Bridge Formula combination is checked as follows:

Diagram of a truck showing the weight distribution of the first 3 axles of a truck, numbered 1 to 3 from front to back
Figure 5


Check axles 1 through 3 (Figure 5)

Actual weight = 12,000 + 17,000 + 17,000 = 46,000 pounds.

N = 3 axles

L = 20 feet

an example of the bridge law formula calculating a legal weight

Maximum weight (W) = 51,000 pounds, which is more than the actual weight of 46,000 pounds. So, the Bridge Formula requirement is satisfied.


Example From the Bridge Table

This same number (51,000 pounds) could have been obtained from the Bridge Table by reading down the left side to L = 20 and across to the right where N = 3.

Diagram of a truck with axles numbered 1 to 5 from front to back. Gross weight of the total truck is 80,000 pounds: 12,000 pounds is applied to axle 1, and 17,000 pounds is applied to each of axles 2, 3, 4, and 5. The distance between axles 1 and 5 is 51 feet.

Figure 6

Now check axles 1 through 5 (Figure 6)

Actual weight = 12,000 + 17,000 + 17,000 + 17,000 + 17,000 = 80,000 pounds.

Maximum weight (W) = 80,000 pounds (Bridge Table for "L" of 51 feet and "N" of 5 axles).

Therefore, this axle spacing is satisfactory.

Diagram of a portion of a truck with axles numbered 2 to 5 from front to back: 17,000 pounds is applied to each of axles 2, 3, 4, and 5. The distance between axles 2 and 5 is 35 feet.
Figure 7

Now check axles 2 through 5 (Figure 7)

Actual weight = 17,000 + 17,000 + 17,000 + 17,000 = 68,000 pounds.

Maximum weight (W) = 65,500 pounds (Bridge Table for "L" of 35 feet and "N" of 4 axles).

This is a violation because the actual weight exceeds the weight allowed by the Bridge Formula. To correct the situation, some load must be removed from the vehicle or the axle spacing (35 feet) must be increased.


Exception to Formula and Bridge Formula Table

In addition to the grandfather rights notes on page 3, Federal law (23 U.S.C. 127) includes one other exception to the Bridge Formula and the Bridge Table—two consecutive sets of tandem axles may carry 34,000 pounds each if the overall distance between the first and last axles of these tandems is 36 feet or more. For example, a five-axle tractor-semitrailer combination may carry 34,000 pounds both on the tractor tandem (axles 2 and 3) and the trailer tandem (axles 4 and 5), provided axles 2 and 5 are spaced at least 36 feet apart. Without this exception, the Bridge Formula would allow an actual weight of only 66,000 to 67,500 pounds on tandems spaced 36 to 38 feet apart.


Bridge Formula Application to Single-Unit Trucks

The procedure described above could be used to check any axle combinations, but several closely spaced axles usually produce the most critical situation.

Diagram of truck illustrating Bridge Formula application to single unit trucks. The Gross Weight of the truck is 57,000 pounds. 12,000 pounds is applied to axle 1 while 15,000 pounds is applied to each of axles 2, 3, and 4. The distance between axles 1 and 4 is 23 feet. The distance between axles 1 and 2 is 14 feet while there is 4.5 feet between 2 and 3 and 3 and 4.
Figure 8

The truck shown in Figure 8 satisfies the single-axle weight limit (12,000 pounds are less than 20,000 pounds), the tandem-axle limit (30,000 pounds are less than 34,000 pounds) and the gross-weight limit (57,000 pounds are less than 80,000 pounds). With these restrictions satisfied, a check is done for Bridge Formula requirements, axles 1 through 4.

Actual weight = 12,000 + 15,000 + 15,000 + 15,000 = 57,000 pounds.

Maximum weight (W) = 57,500 pounds (Bridge Table for "L" of 23 feet and "N" of 4 axles).


Since axles 1 through 4 are satisfactory, check axles 2 through 4:

Actual weight = 15,000 + 15,000 + 15,000 = 45,000 pounds.

Maximum weight (W) = 42,500 pounds (Bridge Table for "L" of 9 feet and "N" of 3 axles.

This is a violation because the actual weight exceeds the weight allowed by the Bridge Formula. The load must either be reduced, axles added, or spacing increased to comply with the Bridge Formula.


What happens if I violate the bridge law?

Each state is responsible for it's own enforcement and collection of fines so penalties will vary. If you are found to be heavy on an axle or in violation of the federal bridge law it is likely this will impact your CSA score. Overweight axles fall under the FMCSA's unsafe driving BASIC.

To avoid violating bridge laws it is always a good idea to plan you route ahead and use an onboard truck scale solution to know what your axle weights are during loading. If you are going to be considered overloaded in a state and cannot adjust your 5th wheel or trailer tandem axles to remain legal then you can obtain an overweight permit.

If you were found to be in violation in error by the DOT you can file a DataQ with the FMCSA to appeal the violation and have it removed.


Bridge Weight Reference Table


2 Axles

3 Axles 4 Axles 5 Axles 6 Axles 7 Axles 8 Axles 9 Axles
4 34,000              
5 34,000              
6 34,000              
7 34,000              
8 & less 34,000 34,000            
more than 8 38,000 42,000            
9 39,000 42,500            
10 40,000 43,500            
11   44,000            
12   45,000 50,000          
13   45,500 50,500          
14   46,500 51,500          
15   47,000 52,000          
16   48,000 52,500 58,000        
17   48,500 53,500 58,500        
18   49,500 54,000 59,000        
19   50,000 54,500 60,000        
20   51,000 55,500 60,500 66,000      
21   51,500 56,000 61,000 66,500      
22   52,500 56,500 61,500 67,000      
23   53,000 57,500 62,500 68,000      
24   54,000 58,000 63,000 68,500 74,000    
25   54,500 58,500 63,500 69,000 74,500    
26   55,500 59,500 64,000 69,500 75,000    
27   56,000 60,000 65,000 70,000 75,500    
28   57,000 60,500 65,500 71,000 76,500 82,000  
29   57,500 61,500 66,000 71,500 77,000 82,500  
30   58,500 62,000 66,500 72,000 77,500 83,000  
31   59,000 62,500 67,500 72,500 78,000 83,500  
32   60,000 63,500 68,000 73,000 78,500 84,500 90,000
33     64,000 68,500 74,000 79,000 85,000 90,500
34     64,500 69,000 74,500 80,000 85,500 91,000
35     65,500 70,000 75,000 80,500 86,000 91,500
36     66,000 70,500 75,500 81,000 86,500 92,000
37     66,500 71,000 76,000 81,500 87,000 93,000
38     67,500 71,500 77,000 82,000 87,500 93,500
39     68,000 72,500 77,500 82,500 88,500 94,000
40     68,500 73,000 78,000 83,500 89,000 94,500
41     69,500 73,500 78,500 84,000 89,500 95,000
42     70,000 74,000 79,000 84,500 90,000 95,500
43     70,500 75,000 80,000 85,000 90,500 96,000
44     71,500 75,500 80,500 85,500 91,000 96,500
45     72,000 76,000 81,000 86,000 91,500 97,500
46     72,500 76,500 81,500 87,000 92,500 98,000
47     73,500 77,500 82,000 87,500 93,000 98,500
48     74,000 78,000 83,000 88,000 93,500 99,000
49     74,500 78,500 83,500 88,500 94,000 99,500
50     75,500 79,000 84,000 89,000 94,500 100,000
51     76,000 80,000 84,500 89,500 95,000 100,500
52     76,500 80,500 85,000 90,500 95,500 101,000
53     77,500 81,000 86,000 91,000 96,500 102,000
54     78,000 81,500 86,500 91,500 97,000 102,500
55     78,500 82,500 87,000 92,000 97,500 103,000
56     79,500 83,000 87,500 92,500 98,000 103,500
57     80,000 83,500 88,000 93,000 98,500 104,000
58       84,000 89,000 94,000 99,000 104,500
59       85,000 89,500 94,500 99,500 105,000
60       85,500 90,000 95,000 100,500 105,500


Topics: Overloaded, FMCSA, DOT

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